Colorado’s Affordable Residential Energy or CARE program is a great opportunity for local income-qualified residents to improve your homes’ comfort, safety, and efficiency. Through CARE we conduct free certified assessments of the home and then complete free energy retrofit work. Energy efficiency upgrades may include a furnace tune-up and safety check, LED light bulbs, programmable thermostats, efficient shower heads and sink aerators, air sealing, and insulation upgrades.
Do you qualify?
- You are a homeowner or renter with landlord approval.
- You live in Gunnison or Hinsdale County in a house, townhome, condo, apartment, or mobile home.
- Your household annual gross income is at or below the income-levels listed in the table below.
- You are serviced by Atmos Energy, Gunnison Electric, or Gunnison County Electric Association.
- For more information on the CARE program in English.
- Para más información en español.
- You can reach Gesa Michel, Energy Programs Director at 970-234-5613 or info@gvrha.org.
Income Qualification 2024
Number of People Per Household | CARE |
One | $57,680 |
Two | $65,920 |
Three | $74,160 |
Four | $82,400 |
Five | $89,040 |
Six | $95,600 |
Seven | $102,240 |
Eight | $108,800 |
Please see here the current income qualifications for the CARE program.
Colorado Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP)
- LEAP provides energy heating bill payment assistance to qualifying households. Applications are accepted each year between November 1 and April 30.
- Apply every year for LEAP here.
EOC Bill Payment Assistance Program
- When you need help paying your past due heating and/or lighting bill to an energy provider for help with up to two different energy bills.
- Apply for EOC Bill Payment assistance here.
Crisis Intervention Program (CIP)
- CIP provides free repair or replacement of non-working heating systems to eligible Coloradans any time of the year to households that are approved for LEAP.
- Call the emergency hotline -855-469-4328 when you receive LEAP and your heating system is not working.
- For more information go here.