Clase de Cocina Gratuita en Estufa de Inducción
Únete a GVHEAT y Mountain Roots para una clase de cocina comunitaria gratuita de 4 semanas, diseñada para ayudarte a preparar comidas saludables y deliciosas. Usando estufas de inducción portátiles, aprenderás a cocinar con electricidad y magnetismo de una manera más...
Free Cooking Class on Induction Stoves
Join GV-HEAT and Mountain Roots for a free, 4-week community cooking class designed to help you cook delicious healthy meals! Using portable induction stoves you will learn how to heat your food with electricity and magnets that is faster, safer, and more energy...
Collaboration Between GV-HEAT, GVRHA & WCU/CU Boulder
Enjoy this video summarizing the work of the engineering students during the 2023/2024 academic year who developed step by step implementation plans to install cold climate air source heat pumps in 5 income qualified homes in the Gunnison Valley as part of a...
2024-2026 GVRHA Strategic Plan
The Gunnison Valley Regional Housing Authority has adopted it's Strategic Plan at their last meeting. You can view the Strategic Plan by clicking on the link below: 2024-2026 GVRHA Strategic Plan
Electrifying Gunnison: A Step-by-Step Implementation Plan to Install Air Source Heat Pumps in 4 Gunnison Valley Homes
The GV-HEAT - Electrifying Gunnison project, a collaboration between Western Colorado University and the University of Colorado Partnership Program and the Gunnison Valley Home Energy Advancement Team (GV-HEAT), aims to enhance energy efficiency and...
Housing Authority welcomes new executive director
Open Audio Article Player LaMonica hired after four-month search May 15, 2024 Bella Biondini | Times Editor On May 13, Gunnison local Melissa LaMonica spent her first day in the office as the Gunnison Valley Regional Housing Authority’s new executive director. Her...
Analysis of Outreach Methods – by Alex Wilson
Abstract Alex Wilson, the GV-HEAT Outreach Fellow for May 2023 through April 2024, has taken a dynamic approach toward marketing and conducted a meticulous analysis of his efforts which has propelled the GV-HEAT program to new heights. He chose to pursue this project...
GV-HEAT – Pathways Collaboration Project
As part of the collaboration between the Gunnison High School Pathways Program and the GV-HEAT program, we enabled students who are far advanced in the Construction Trades program to participate in classroom instruction and internship opportunities in the field...
Save Money and Increase Comfort
Rural living doesn’t mean you have a lack of options when it comes to household efficiency. GV-HEAT has energy assessment and weatherization options for you. Contact Gesa Michel, the housing authority’s GV-HEAT Coordinator at or 970-234-5613 for more...
Building Electrification Implementation Plan
The Western Colorado University & University of Colorado at Boulder (Partnership Program) teamed up with the Gunnison Valley Home Energy Advancement Team (GV-HEAT) to create a beneficial building electrification implementation plan for income qualified homes in Gunnison County…